Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Barcelona Bella

This past weekend I took a trip north to visit Barcelona . . . beautiful, beautiful Barcelona.  I was so impressed with everything about the place.  Everywhere you look there is something amazing - a diversity of architecture, public art, monuments, parks, museums, a beautiful beach, so much!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I went to the Joan Miró museum - but that is just one of the many things there are to do and see in Barcelona.  I only had one weekend there but I could have easily filled a couple weeks.

I love that there is so much humanity in the city, like the ping pong tables in the picture above.  They are just there to make people happy.  Everywhere there are parks filled with gardens, birds, palm trees, and people wandering around together enjoying themselves.  There are also benches all over the city so you can just stop a moment and enjoy the day.

You might notice that I don't have pictures above of the famosísima Cathedral of the Sagrada Familia or of Gaudi's Güell Park - when one goes to Barcelona those are the pictures that are usually brought back.  Unfortunately on my way to see those things I managed to injure a tendon in my heel, and was not able to walk around for the remainder of the trip.  In fact, I had to make alternate arrangements to get back to Madrid - which was a bit of drama but ultimately it all worked out.

But, if I ever get the chance again, I will get back to Barcelona because it is probably the most beautiful and most entertaining city I've ever been in.

Hasta pronto,


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